Friday, September 28, 2007

Letter to an Unknown Idiot.

Mr. Simple Simon or whatever you call your self. You still think that India is backward and poor, just think who is responsible for the entire mess. It is you, the imperialistic power. India was a very self sufficient country and contributed 20% of the world's GDP, you people came and bled our country and left us to fend for ourselves, you were the very reason for the slums, by bringing you lousy culture and industries, the country is now suffering for the excess of your greed. For your info, we would have got our independence without the help of that bastard Gandhi because Great Britain was weakened by the Second World War and USSR was mobilizing itself to invade India and free us from your clutches. He was a person seized the opportunity and made himself an immortal, I have scant respect for that person and the people who call themselves Gandhian.

Your another point on the 9/11 attack, you just know only that incident, but it is nothing compared to the terrorist attacks on the innocent people of India, who suffer everyday since mid 1970. Whatever happens to you are magnified and projected by your media and what happens here are just insignificant. I agree that what has happened is bad, but because of this more than half a million Iraqis are dead and countless children orphaned and women widowed and have no means of surviving.

This is a poignant outpouring of a woman in Iraq.

Is there anything in Iraq that the Americans have not destroyed?

Anything at all? ... The past - you have looted and destroyed. Trying to erase our collective historical memory ... Our roots, where we came from, what our ancestors did, their achievements, their trials, their statues, their writings ...

You do not know history, you are rejects of history. You have no history. You have no past, you have nothing ... you are nothing.

You are nothing but ogres of consumerism. Not just material stuff, but anything you can swallow whole you will. You even swallow other people's history whole.

You are a greedy, covetous, gluttonous, voracious, jealous, envious people ...
Since you are nothing, your nihilism contaminates everything else ...

You destroy and self destruct ...

No Future - You have no future, because inside of yourselves, your future is limited to your own little egos. Little egos have no future. Little egos are amoebas, parasites, feeding off others ...

You think you have a vision but your vision is only about your stomach, your pockets and what you have in between your legs ... That is it.

This is where it stops. Surely this does not make you seers ...

What have you contributed to the world ? Anything of real substance? Nothing. Apart from brutal might and power ... and your sickening culture that is as hollow and as empty as you are.

And just as you have no real future, you robbed us of our own. You are collectively a bunch of criminals, thieves, thugs and perverts of the worst kind.

Since your fucking 9/11, you have totally destroyed two countries. Afghanistan and Iraq. And you have not stopped. Not one day, not one hour ...

You wanted regime change in Iraq - you got it. You also changed us, me, beyond anything I can recognize ... I never hated you before. Today I do. I really hate you.

You collectively disgust me. Even our ancient Mesopotamian deities and spirits are disgusted with you. Every single letter of the Alphabet is disgusted with you.

The earth, the rivers, the sky, the mountains, the trees, the birds of Iraq are disgusted with you ... The cosmos is disgusted with you ...

Everytime I spot one of you anywhere in close proximity and hear that ugly accent of yours I run away ... I avoid you like the plague. I can't bear to hear you or see you.

You represent nothing but Death and Destruction to me. Your ugliness is all pervading ...

Everytime I switch on the TV or the Radio and see or hear one of you, I zap. I wish I can zap you out of my life once and for all ...

I know, I keep repeating myself, but then you keep repeating the same acts.
Iraq is going down, with its past and its future ...

I can only promise you one thing, however long it may take, we are going to take you down with us."

Be ashamed of yourself and try to make this earth a place of happiness and safe for our children to live.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Attrocities Against Women

Dear Mr. Ram,
there has been columns and 'letters to the editor' written on Taslima Nasrin's attack in Hyderabad by MIM legistrators, both for and against, yes, all the justifications are of the highest order and I agree with some on the point of where to draw a line on the freedom of speech. Always there is ill will generated when one hurts the sentiments of a religion.

But has anyone given a thought on Hina Fathima, the woman who was badly burnt by an acid attack by her husband in Mysore. These sort of crimes are rampant in our society and no one ever gives a thought on these mindless violence perpetuated on a defenceless woman, who thinks her husband and her children are her only reason for her existence.

Let's stop glorifying or condemning these celebrities and raise up our voice for these women who sacrifice their life for their children's well being.

I do appreciate your paper to publish the report on Hina Fathima and her plight.


K.G. Sastha Prakash,

NGOs The pseudo watchdogs

This is regarding the article, 'Rights violations in hostels,' I don't understand why to make a hue and cry on hostels run by the Adi Dravidar Welfare. On the concept of cleaning ones own toilet and helping in cooking and other day-to-day activities do not constitute Human Rights Violations, but in contrary they help in building character and instill discipline, and Independence in these students and prepare them to face the real world. This kind of activities are practised in the west even in homes and community service is encouraged and not seen as a demeaning core.

As far as corporal punishment, lack of hygiene and quality of food goes, I agree to the allegations made by the NGO. Yes, there are a lot of constrains in running these welfare hostels and this can be taken up with the concerned officials and not seek publicity by this NGO. These NGOs thrive by such publicity and they were proven wrong in the Coke/Pepsi episode. Please do not encourage such organisations, since they do more harm than help. If they are serious, they should take up such Welfare Hostels and show the government how to run them.

K.G. Sastha Prakash,
Hosted System Solutions,
Manchester Square, Puliakulam Road,
Coimbatore- 37.